kek. A vocabulary list featuring Types of Laughing. See more. Then Laughing because you snorted. ing, laughs v.intr. To show or feel amusement or good humor: an experience we would laugh about later on. 1. People who make others laugh or are fun to be with Free thesaurus definition of to laugh a lot or start laughing from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education. Made with Dictionary Advanced Search and List Builder with the search term "typeof:laugh" Then snorting because you're laughing. The expression kek in the context of gaming originated from Blizzard’s 1998 real-time strategy game Starcraft. 57 synonyms of laugh from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 88 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Not all synonyms for LOL are funny. Belly-laugh: to laugh in a deep, hearty manner, as if from the abdomen or in such a way that one’s abdomen moves from the exertion 3. Synonyms for laugh hysterically include roar, guffaw, hoot, cackle, chortle, chuckle, giggle, hee-haw, laugh and scream. Each world has more than 20 … 1. Used originally by gamers, Kek is an online term with a similar meaning to LOL or haha, but it has taken a controversial turn.
LAUGH Synonym Laugh Definition and Examples Meaning of Laugh: An involuntary, or sometimes voluntary, expression categorized by the burst of air released from the lung s and through the mouth in rapid succession resulting in bodily movement and audible sound. by Pablo Valdivia. LAUGH Synonym Laugh Definition and Examples Meaning of Laugh: An involuntary, or sometimes voluntary, expression categorized by the burst of air released from the lung s and through the mouth in rapid succession resulting in bodily movement and audible sound. 2. I'm laughing so hard synonyms and I'm laughing so hard antonyms. To express certain emotions, especially mirth or delight, by a series of spontaneous, usually unarticulated sounds often accompanied by corresponding facial and bodily movements. Laughing light-heartedly. Another word for laugh: chuckle, giggle, snigger, crack up, cackle | Collins English Thesaurus Top synonym for i'm laughing so hard (another word for i'm laughing so hard) is bruh i'm weak. 3. a. to laugh in someone's face - to laugh at/about someone in front of them to show your distain; to laugh something off - to laugh when experiencing something unpleasant to make it seem less serious; to laugh your head off - to laugh very hard, to laugh uncontrollably; to laugh yourself silly - to laugh for a long time, to laugh uncontrollably Find out Laughing light-heartedly Answers. Here are twenty ways to laugh, and some related expressions. Laughing so hard you snort. laughing hard in Jewish Gematria equals: 385: l 20 a 1 u 200 g 7 h 8 i 9 n 40 g 7 0 h 8 a 1 r 80 d 4 laughing hard in English Gematria equals: 660 : l 72 a 6 u 126 g 42 h 48 i 54 n 84 g 42 0 h 48 a 6 r 108 d 24 Laughing definition, that laughs or is given to laughter: a laughing child. When tears and mucus run down your face due to laughing so hard at something, then you have a headache afterwards. Search to laugh hard and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso.
Laugh: to show mirth with an explosive vocal sound. BuzzFeed Staff, by Crystal Ro. There’s an often-distinct word or phrase for each type. It has many crosswords divided into different worlds and groups. BuzzFeed Staff 1. Find another word for laugh. CodyCross is a famous newly released game which is developed by Fanatee. When tears and mucus run down your face due to laughing so hard at something, then you have a headache afterwards.
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